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Investment outlook

Wheels down, elevation up: Five themes for a new economic landing

Investors will feel tension between countervailing forces in the coming year: slipstreams that help move the economy and markets forward, and crosswinds making it more difficult to land smoothly. The key is not to let fear of flying prevent you from reaching your destination, but rather to be prepared for risks and alert to opportunities.

Here are the five key portfolio construction themes we see on our radar: 

Nuveen’s Global Investment Committee offers ways to navigate through these challenges and position for bright opportunities on the other side. Explore our latest investment insights and stay connected by subscribing below.

Latest insights
Investment Outlook 2025 Q2 outlook: Wheels down, elevation up: Five themes for a new economic landing
While we’ve experienced unanticipated bumps on the final approach to the runway in the form of increased policy uncertainty and market volatility, today’s directional dynamics still point to the same or similar investment themes we saw at the start of the year.
Weekly CIO Commentary Better to temper the storm than abandon ship
U.S. equities: gyrations, frustrations and shrinking allocations.
Investment Outlook The insurer’s way to invest in real assets
Views from the TIAA General Account

Additional insights and resources

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