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Invest like the future is watching.

Nuveen is a global investment leader, managing $1.3T in public and private assets for clients around the world and on behalf of TIAA , our parent company and one of the world’s largest institutional investors.

With broad expertise across income and alternatives, we invest in the growth of businesses, real estate, infrastructure and natural capital, providing clients with the reliability, access and foresight unique to our 125+ year heritage.

Our prevailing perspective on the future drives our ambition to innovate and adapt our business to the changing needs of investors — all to pursue lasting performance for our clients, our communities and our global economy.

With over 125 years of yesterdays, we're prepared to take on your tomorrows.

A long history of looking forward informs our future-focused thought leadership and product offerings for investors around the globe.

Examining megatrends

Examining megatrends

We closely analyze the long-term, structural implications of megatrends and develop forward-thinking investment strategies that can adapt across market cycles.

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Unlocking the potential of private markets

Unlocking the potential of private markets

The Nuveen Private Markets Institute educates advisors on the future of alternative investing and the opportunities it can offer to client portfolios.

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Preparing for the next generation of investors

Preparing for the next generation of investors

Our "Generation n" program helps advisors strengthen relationships with tomorrow's wealth inheritors, leveraging generational research that paints an optimistic picture for client engagement and retention.

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Our lasting experience informs our prevailing perspective on the future.

And we’re ready to take on our clients’ tomorrows by providing:
125 years of experience navigating markets and the stability offered by our parent company, TIAA*
To our breadth of offering, to our innovative strategies and to the people behind those strategies
Anticipating the needs of future generations and building the solutions to support them for the long term
Orange image with orange window icons Orange image with orange window icons

We’re steadfast in our pursuit of performance for clients, constantly adapting our business to meet the demands of tomorrow’s investors.

Bill Huffman, Nuveen Chief Executive Officer

Why Nuveen?

invested across public and private markets globally.
125+ years
navigating change and evolving our client solutions.
Top 20
largest global asset manager with institutional clients in 32 countries.
alternative assets under management.1

Assets under management as of 31 Dec 2024. Nuveen assets under management (AUM) is inclusive of underlying investment specialists. Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding

One of the largest institutional investors based on Pensions & Investments, 10 Jun 2024. Rankings based on total worldwide institutional assets as of 31 Dec 2023 reported by each responding asset manager, with 434 firms responding; updated annually. TIAA is the parent company of Nuveen.

Nuveen traces its history to 1898 when the company began underwriting municipal bonds, and TIAA was founded in 1918.

Top 20 largest global asset manager based on Pensions & Investments, 12 Jun 2023. Rankings based on total worldwide assets as of 31 Dec 2022 reported by each responding asset manager, with 434 firms responding; updated annually. TIAA is the parent company of Nuveen.

Total amount of institutional clients as of 31 Dec 2024.

Nuveen, LLC provides investment solutions through its investment specialists.

Nuveen, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America. Nuveen Asset Management, LLC, Winslow Capital Management, LLC, AGR Partners LLC, Churchill Asset Management LLC, Nuveen Churchill Advisors LLC, Gresham Investment Management LLC, Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC, Teachers Advisors, LLC, TIAA-CREF Investment Management, LLC, and Nuveen Alternatives Advisors LLC are SEC registered investment advisers. In addition, Nuveen Asset Management, LLC is a member of the National Futures Association and a Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) registered Commodity Trading Advisor, and Gresham Investment Management LLC is a member of the National Futures Association and the Futures Industry Association and is a CFTC registered Commodity Pool Operator and Commodity Trading Adviser.

For more information regarding any of our registered investment advisers, please see the adviser’s Form ADV.

Nuveen Securities, LLC is an SEC registered broker-dealer, a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority member and is registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board.

*For its stability, claims-paying ability and overall financial strength, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA) is a member of one of only three insurance groups in the United States to currently hold the highest rating available to U.S. insurers from three of the four leading insurance company rating agencies: A.M. Best (A++ as of 7/24), Fitch (AAA as of 8/24) and Standard & Poor’s (AA+ as of 5/24), and the second-highest possible rating from Moody’s Investors Service (Aa1 as of 10/24). There is no guarantee that current ratings will be maintained. The financial strength ratings represent a company’s ability to meet policyholders’ obligations and do not apply to variable annuities or any other product or service not fully backed by TIAA’s claims-paying ability. The ratings also do not apply to the safety or the performance of the variable accounts, which will fluctuate in value.

** Nuveen considers ESG integration to be the consideration of financially material ESG factors within the investment decision making process. Financial materiality and applicability of ESG factors varies by asset class and investment strategy. ESG factors may be among many factors considered in evaluating an investment decision, and unless otherwise stated in the relevant offering memorandum or prospectus, do not alter the investment guidelines, strategy or objectives.  Select investment strategies do not integrate such ESG factors in the investment decision making process.
✝ 2015-2023. The World’s Most Ethical Company assessment is based upon the Ethisphere Institute’s Ethics Quotient® (EQ) framework which offers a quantitative way to assess a company’s performance in an objective, consistent and standardized way. The information collected provides a comprehensive sampling of definitive criteria of core competencies, rather than all aspects of corporate governance, risk, sustainability, compliance and ethics. Scores are generated in five key categories: ethics and compliance program (35%), corporate citizenship and responsibility (20%), culture of ethics (20%), governance (15%) and leadership, innovation and reputation (10%) and provided to all companies who participate in the process. The full list of World’s Most Ethical Companies:

1 As of 31 Dec 2024. Nuveen assets under management (AUM) is inclusive of underlying affiliates. Private capital AUM includes hedged strategies.

Important information on risk

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investments carry a certain degree of risk, including the loss of principal. Certain products and services may not be available to all entities or persons. There is no guarantee that the Fund's investment objectives will be achieved.

Responsible investing incorporates Environmental Social Governance (ESG) factors that may affect exposure to issuers, sectors, industries, limiting the type and number of investment opportunities available, which could result in excluding investments that perform well.

Investors should be aware that alternative investments are speculative, subject to substantial risks including the risks associated with limited liquidity, the potential use of leverage, potential short sales and concentrated investments and may involve complex tax structures and investment strategies. Alternative investments may be illiquid, there may be no liquid secondary market or ready purchasers for such securities, they may not be required to provide periodic pricing or valuation information to investors, there may be delays in distributing tax information to investors, they are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as other types of pooled investment vehicles, and they may be subject to high fees and expenses, which will reduce profits.

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