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Nuveen Lifecycle Index Funds

Ranking among the highest in the 10-year category*
lifecycle index 10 year
Effective 01 May 2024, the name of the Series changed from TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Funds to Nuveen Lifecycle Index Funds. This change did not impact any of the underlying Funds’ investment strategies or portfolio management.

Chart reflects rankings for target date funds over the 10/5/3 yr period based on information available from Morningstar for the target–date fund category as of 31 Dec. Nuveen Lifecycle Index funds are compared to the top three providers of passive target date funds, determined by total assets under management.

In 4Q19, Morningstar changed Nuveen Lifecycle Index Retirement Income’s peer group to US Fund Allocation –30% to 50% Equity from US Fund Target-Date Retirement. This change was due to TIAA’s glidepath extension from 10 years post-retirement to 30 years post-retirement, as funds in the Lifecycle series no longer merge into Nuveen Lifecycle Index Retirement Income fund. Competitors’ Retirement funds in the chart above remain in the Morningstar US Fund Target-Date Retirement category. As such, the number of peers in the US Fund Target-Date Retirement universe as of 31 Dec was 140 (3-yr), 124 (5 yr), and 85 (10-yr).

Is it time to review your options with an objective, unbiased analysis?

Target-date comparison analysis can be a valuable tool in selecting and monitoring funds. However, not all target-date analyzers are created equal. The Department of Labor emphasizes the need for an objective process to evaluate investment options and Nuveen can help:

  1. Run a customized target-date analysis from a leading 3rd party industry tool, TDF Radar.
  2. Generate an unbranded final report that you can share with your plan sponsor clients

Report available to financial professionals only.

Nuveen Lifecycle Funds provide an outcome-oriented approach designed to help build sufficient savings and income through retirement.


Effective 01 May 2024, the name of the Series changed from TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Funds to Nuveen Lifecycle Index Funds. This change did not impact any of the underlying Funds’ investment strategies or portfolio management.

*Comparison of share classes shown would apply for retirement plans with assets in target date funds of less than $100M. Fund selection for comparison considered minimum investment and performance history. Not all competitors have comparable vintages, but only funds offered by Nuveen and the competitors are shown.

Chart reflects rankings for target date funds over the 10/5/3 yr period based on information available from Morningstar for the target–date fund category as of 31 Dec. Nuveen Lifecycle Index funds are compared to the top three providers of passive target date funds, determined by total assets under management.

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