What can we finance?
If the capital improvement saves or produces either energy or water, we can likely finance the project.
If the capital improvement saves or produces either energy or water, we can likely finance the project.
Nuveen Green Capital’s C-PACE financing can cover 100% of the hard and soft costs associated with measures that improve the water and energy performance and (in some states) resiliency of a building.
Eligible measures vary by state and program.
Contact Nuveen Green Capital to learn more about measures eligible for your project.
Eligible soft costs include but are not limited to:
Equipment must be permanently affixed to the property to qualify.
Energy efficiency and renewable energy measures are eligible in all locations with a C-PACE program.
Other eligible measures depend on location.
Potentially eligible measures include but are not limited to the measures displayed in the carousel below.
$7.8 million storage recapitalization
$40 million mixed-use new development
$40 million senior living new construction