30 Jun 2023
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Real estate
An updated journey of the road to net zero carbon
In order to support the objectives of the Paris Accord, governments in major countries across the world have committed to reach net zero by target dates between 2030 and 2060.1 In anticipation of a severely carbon constrained future, a large number of real estate investors have committed to reduce emissions from their portfolios to net zero by 2050.2
At Nuveen Real Estate, however, we are aiming to achieve net zero carbon in our real estate portfolio no later than 2040. Our latest pathway explains why we think it is prudent to achieve net zero carbon earlier than the broader market, and how we will aim to do this.
Highlights include
- Updated milestones
- Our 2019 baseline carbon footprint
- Assumptions and definitions
- Our target to reduce energy intensity by 30%
- Insights from around the globe
- Risks and opportunities
- The hallmarks of our approach
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Webinar replay: Riding the real estate recovery
Register to watch the webinar replay of Nuveen Real Estate’s Global Head of Research, Donald Hall, and Chief Investment Officer & Head of Funds Management, Shawn Lese, for a 30-minute discussion on the expectations for a real estate turnaround.
1 https://eciu.net/netzerotracker
2 https://www.betterbuildingspartnership.co.uk/member-climate-commitment
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Nuveen Real Estate is a real estate investment management holding company
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All information as
at 1 December 2020 and sourced from Nuveen unless otherwise