The Morningstar Fund Compare tool quickly evaluates different funds against one another. In addition to Nuveen funds, add any MF, CEF or ETF available from Morningstar. Important information and disclosures are included after you click Generate Report. Please ensure to enable pop-ups in your browser.
The Morningstar Portfolio Review tool compares and analyzes your portfolio holdings. In addition to Nuveen funds, add any MF, CEF or ETF available from Morningstar. Important information and disclosures are included after you click Generate Report. Please ensure to enable pop-ups in your browser.
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Fund Compare
Quickly evaluate different MFs, CEFs and ETFs against one another
Portfolio Review
Generate a detailed analysis of your portfolio holdings including MFs, CEFs and ETFs
Municipal Bond Ladder Tool
Learn how a laddered portfolio may perform in rising rate environments
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William M. Miller
Associate General Counsel
About William M. Miller
Bill is associate general counsel for Nuveen, where he provides representation and legal oversight to Nuveen Real Estate strategies. He advises the firm on fund and product formation and related U.S. regulatory issues, as well as transactional matters, including real estate acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures and financings.
Prior to joining Nuveen in 2013, Bill worked with a special situations investment fund in Hong Kong and in the real estate and finance practices of an international law firm in the United States and Asia-Pacific.
Bill graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy from Western Washington University and a J.D. from Cornell Law School.