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Introducing the Nuveen Global Cities REIT
Summary of terms
STRUCTURE | Non-exchange traded, perpetual life, real estate investment trust (REIT) with monthly Net Asset Value (NAV), monthly subscriptions, and potential monthly distributions subject to availability/board approval and with no guarantee. |
ELIGIBLE INVESTORS | Available to investors with either (1) a net worth of at least $250,000 or (2) a gross annual income of at least $70,000 and a net worth of $70,000. Additional suitability standards are applicable to investors in certain states. |
OBJECTIVE/STRATEGY | Target investments across commercial property types and geographic regions, both in North America and internationally, to seek to achieve current income, capital preservation, and favorable long-term risk-adjusted returns. |
MAXIMUM TOTAL OFFERING SIZE | $5 billion in shares of common stock. |
OFFERING PRICE | Each class of shares is sold at the then-current transaction price, which is generally the prior month’s NAV per share for such class, plus applicable upfront selling commissions and dealer manager fees. The initial transaction price for shares of common stock offered to the public will be the NAV per share calculated as of the most recently completed month-end prior to commencement of the public offering. We will publish an updated transaction price monthly pursuant to the procedures described in the prospectus. |
MINIMUM INITIAL INVESTMENT | $2,500 per investor, $1,000,000 for Class I shares; $500 minimum for subsequent investments. |
LEVERAGE | Target 30-50% gross real estate assets. |
DISTRIBUTIONS | Expected to be monthly (not guaranteed, subject to board approval) |
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