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Joint Account
An account held by more than one person, each individual having the right to deposit and withdraw funds.

Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship (JTWROS)
A form of account registration in which two or more individuals share an undivided interest in an account. In the event of one tenant's death, the surviving tenant(s) automatically inherits the property without the necessity of court proceedings. A minor may not be a joint tenant.

JPMorgan Collateralized Loan Obligation Index (CLOIE)
Tracks the performance of U.S. dollar-denominated CLO debt.

JP Morgan EMBI-Global Diversified Index
JP Morgan EMBI-Global Diversified Index is a uniquely-weighted version of the JP Morgan EMBI Global Index. It limits the weights of those index countries with larger debt stocks by only including specified portions of these countries’ eligible current face amounts of debt outstanding. The countries covered are identical to those covered by the JP Morgan EMBI Global Index which tracks total returns for U.S.-dollar denominated debt instruments issued by emerging market sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities: Brady bonds, loans, Eurobonds.

JPMorgan Emerging Local Markets Index Plus
The index measures the performance of debt issued by emerging markets in the local currency.

JPMorgan Emerging Markets Currency Spot Index
The JPMorgan Emerging Markets Currency Spot Index seeks to track the performance of emerging markets currencies based on a notional portfolio of synthetic forwards transactions that have a scheduled term of 20 calculation days.

JPX-NIKKEI 400 Index
Composed of companies with high appeal for investors, which meet requirements of global investment standards, such as efficient use of capital and investor-focused management perspectives. The index was jointly developed by Nikkei, Japan Exchange Group and Tokyo Stock Exchange.

JPX-Nikkei 400 Mid and Small Cap Index
Comprised of companies with middle and small market capitalization, which make up the majority of listed companies in Japan, that are selected based on the same concept as JPX-Nikkei Index 400 and appealing to shareholders and aim at sustainably increasing corporate value. The index was jointly developed by Nikkei and Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Jumbo CD
A certificate of deposit issued by banks in amounts of usually $1 million or more paying higher rates of interest than smaller-denomination certificates.

Junk Bonds
Bonds with a rating below investment grade, BB or lower. These bonds typically pay a higher yield than investment-grade bonds. Also known as high-yield bonds.

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