1 PLANADVISER, “Retirement Income Evolution,” July 13, 2022.
2 As of December 31, 2022: Other benefits from TIAA include: surrender benefits and other withdrawals, death benefits, health insurance and disability insurance benefits, and all other policy proceeds paid.
3 Source: One of the largest U.S. Life Insurer: S&P Global Market Intelligence Platform as of December 31, 2022. Financial Strength: The TIAA General Account, December 31, 2023. Total assets $346.5 billion. Total TIAA assets include, in addition to the General Account, separately managed accounts such as the Real Estate Account and TIAA Stable Value.
4 Any guarantees under annuities issued by TIAA are subject to TIAA’s claims-paying ability. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
5 TIAA may share profits with TIAA Secure Income Account owners through declared additional amounts of interest during accumulation, higher initial annuity income, and through further increases in annuity income benefits during retirement. These additional amounts are not guaranteed beyond the period for which they were declared. Lifetime income payments from TIAA Secure Income Account may include a TIAA Loyalty BonusSM which is discretionary and determined annually.
Annuity contracts may contain terms for keeping them in force. We can provide you with costs and complete details.
TIAA Secure Income Account is a fixed annuity product issued through this contract by Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 10017: Form series including but not limited to: TIAA-UQDIA-002-K and related state specific versions. Not all contracts are available in all states or currently issued