Paying for a child’s college education is one of the biggest financial concerns for parents today. Discover how to help your clients save for the future with the below insights and resources.
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Navigating college funding: strategies to
help your clients
College funding resources
Discover the importance of developing a college savings plan for clients, particularly those with young children. Insights include:
- Overview of the various savings options available, including 529 plans
- Comparison of contribution limits and tax-deferred growth/distributions
- Impact on financial aid
- Tax incentives
Help clients whose children are nearing college with strategies and insights on how to:
- Address a college funding shortfall
- Make a more informed college-buying decision
- Avoid overpaying for college and reduce out-of-pocket costs
- Evaluate financial aid and loan options
Related resources
Explore 529 plans
The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan is offered by the State of Colorado. TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. is the Plan Manager and Nuveen Securities, LLC is the Distributor.
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There are various risks associated with an investment in the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan; principal loss is possible.
The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan’s Investment Portfolios are subject to the risks of the underlying fund(s) in which they invest and other risks, as described in the Plan Description. To obtain a more complete description of the investment policies and risks of the underlying funds, please refer to the current prospectuses for the underlying funds.
Before investing, carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan, including whether the investor’s or designated beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investment in such state’s qualified tuition program. For this and other information that should be read carefully, please read the Plan Description or request one at 888-5-SCHOLAR (888-572-4652).
Participation in the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan does not guarantee that the account’s assets will be adequate to cover future tuition or other higher education expenses, or that a designated beneficiary will be admitted to or permitted to continue to attend an institution of higher education. Contributions to an Account and the investment earnings if any, are not guaranteed or insured.
There are various risks associated with an investment in the MI 529 Advisor Plan; principal loss is possible.
The MI 529 Advisor Plan (MAP) is offered by the State of Michigan. TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. (TFI) is the Program Manager and Nuveen Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC, is the Distributor.
Before investing, carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the MI 529 Advisor Plan, including whether the investor’s or the Designated Beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investment in such state’s qualified tuition program. Other state benefits may include financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors. For this and other information that should be read carefully, please read the MAP Plan Description or request one at 866-529-8818. Also, consider whether your or your beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits, such as financial aid, scholarship funds and protection from creditors, that are only available for investments in that state’s qualified tuition program.
Participation in MAP does not guarantee that the account's assets will be adequate to cover future tuition or other higher education expenses, or that your beneficiary will be admitted to or permitted to continue to attend an institution of higher education. Investments in MAP are not guaranteed or insured and there is risk of investment loss.
The MAP and Scholars Choice websites contain links to other websites. The MAP, Scholars Choice, TFI and Nuveen Securities, LLC are not responsible for the content of those other websites.
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