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Key takeaways from COP16 for natural capital investors

Gwen Busby
Head of Research and Strategy, Nuveen Natural Capital
Nick Moss
Head of Nature Based Solutions, Nuveen Natural Capital
Depicting the timber land with trees


COP16 marked the largest gathering ever of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) – bringing together diplomats from nearly 200 countries alongside representatives from conservation organizations, Indigenous Peoples groups, academic institutions, and the business sector. The meeting in Cali, Colombia was the first since the world’s biggest commitment for nature – the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), anchored by the 30x30 commitment to protect 30% of the Earth’s land and waters by 2030.

Achieving the ambitious targets set out in the GBF will require both public and private investment as well as supporting policies that encourage private landowners and land managers to take action. And while many member countries have begun to translate GBF commitments into action, the meeting concluded with just 44 of the 196 member countries submitting National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and 119 member countries with national biodiversity targets.

Though public action plans were not delivered in the numbers many had hoped, progress was made on other fronts and engagement by the private sector throughout the 12-day event was impressive.

Key takeaways

Given the critical importance of biodiversity to the sustainability and long-term performance of farmland and timberland investments, here are our key takeaways from COP16 for natural capital investors:

Looking Ahead: Expanding opportunities for private capital

While there is still significant work that remains to be done in order to halt and reverse nature loss, real progress is underway. In Cali, we saw stakeholders coming together from across the public and private sector to develop and execute on innovative approaches to incentivize land management practices that benefit biodiversity. We saw this in terms of companies seeking ways to address nature and biodiversity within their supply chains, market-based frameworks enabling investment in nature positive land management practices, and financial institutions’ innovative approaches to financing nature-based solutions. All together, these advances create credible pathways for private capital to contribute to solutions for nature and combat biodiversity loss through land-based investments.

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