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Tryg Sarsland
About Tryg Sarsland
Tryg is a portfolio manager for Nuveen’s public global infrastructure and real asset income strategies. Offerings span both the traditional public real assets and responsible investing-focused investment styles. In addition, he is the director of research - infrastructure, overseeing direct management of the U.S.-based equity research analysts dedicated to global infrastructure and real asset income. Tryg also maintains analyst responsibilities for the global infrastructure and real asset income strategies, specializing in non-U.S. utilities.
Before joining the firm in 2011, he was vice president and director of project finance at National Wind, LLC, where he spearheaded the development, procurement and investment of funds for wind energy projects. He was also vice president with Meridian Companies, LLC, and Standard Chartered Bank.
Tryg graduated with a B.A. from St. John’s University and an M.B.A. from St. Cloud State University.
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