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Portfolio highlights
  • Diversified across a number of mutual funds that invest in different markets that are known to help meet investor objectives.
  • Includes underlying funds from Nuveen and third-party asset managers.
  • Maintains a static allocation through a prudent and consistent rebalancing process.

Portfolio description

The Conservative Allocation Portfolio primarily looks to preserve capital through a conservative asset allocation. It contains larger allocations to diversified fixed income and cash, but also contains exposure to both domestic and international stock funds for some upside potential.

Portfolio basics


Average annual total returns

Returns quoted represent past performance which is no guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that when shares are redeemed, they may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Total returns for a period of less than one year are cumulative. Returns without sales charges would be lower if the sales charges were included. Returns assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains.

Average annual total returns shown "with sales charges" are net of the following: (1) the current annual plan management fee of 0.15% of plan portfolio assets; (2) the current annual distribution and service fees1 of 0.25% for Class A units or the current annual distribution and service fees of 0.75% for Class C units; (3) initial sales charges up to 3.50% (Class A) or 0.75% CDSC for periods one year or less (Class C); (4) the current CollegeInvest Administration fee of 0.06%2 and (5) annual expenses of the share classes of the underlying mutual funds in which Plan portfolios invest, currently up to 0.75% of assets, which may vary. The Nuveen Money Market Portfolio does not charge an initial sales charge nor does it assess an annual distribution and service fee. Plan fees, expenses and sales charges are subject to change. Underlying fund expenses will vary and in some cases have been reduced by fee and expense waivers or reimbursements, which may be ended at any time reducing future performance.


Historic Daily NAV

Underlying funds

Select target allocation
Ticker Underlying Fund Asset Allocation

The table above, from the Plan Description, lists the investments in which the Target Allocation Portfolio invests and the percentage of the investment portfolio's assets allocated to each of its investments. Please keep in mind that if you invest in the Target Allocation Portfolio, you will own interests in the Target Allocation Portfolio; you will not own shares in any of the underlying mutual funds.


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1 There are no annual distribution and services fees on Class I units.

2 CollegeInvest currently is electing to waive 0.04% (4 basis points) of its 0.10% administration fee. While such waiver continues in effect, CollegeInvest will receive an administration fee at an annual rate of 0.06% (6 basis points) of the average daily net assets of each portfolio. CollegeInvest may discontinue this waiver at any time without notice.

Returns quoted represent past performance which is no guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate so that when shares are redeemed, they may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance shown. Total returns for a period of less than one year are cumulative. Returns without sales charges would be lower if the sales charges were included. Returns assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains.

The investment cost example can be found in Appendix F of the Plan Description.

Net Asset Value (NAV): An investment option’s net asset value (“NAV”) per unit or unit price is calculated by dividing the value of its net assets by the total number of units outstanding. NAV per unit or unit price is based on the value of the Investment Option’s investments, including its holdings in underlying mutual funds. The NAV per share of each underlying mutual fund in which the Investment Options are invested normally is determined as of the close of regular trading on the NYSE.

The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan is offered by the State of Colorado. TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. is the Plan Manager and Nuveen Securities, LLC is the Distributor.

There are various risks associated with an investment in the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan; principal loss is possible.

The Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan’s Investment Portfolios are subject to the risks of the underlying fund(s) in which they invest and other risks, as described in the Plan Description. To obtain a more complete description of the investment policies and risks of the underlying funds, please refer to the current prospectuses for the underlying funds.

The Target Allocation Portfolios are currently comprised of four Investment Portfolios. The Target Allocation Portfolios are designed for account owners who prefer a diversified Investment Portfolio with a fixed risk level rather than a risk level that changes as the Designated Beneficiary ages.

The Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios are intended for Account Owners who prefer an Investment Portfolio with a risk level that becomes increasingly conservative over time as the Designated Beneficiary approaches expected enrollment in an Eligible Educational Institution and/or expected year in which amounts will be withdrawn to pay for Qualified Higher Education Expenses. There are ten target Enrollment Year Investment Portfolios that invest in multiple underlying funds, each of which has a different investment strategy.

Before investing, carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan, including whether the investor’s or Designated Beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investment in such state’s qualified tuition program. Other state benefits may include financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors. For this and other information that should be read carefully, please request a Plan Description at 888-5-SCHOLAR (888-572-4652) or visit

Participation in the Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan does not guarantee that the account’s assets will be adequate to cover future tuition or other higher education expenses, or that contributions and the investment return on contributions, if any, will be adequate to cover future tuition and other eligible education expenses or that a Designated Beneficiary will be admitted to or permitted to continue to attend any eligible educational institution. Contributions to an Account and the investment earnings, if any, are not guaranteed or insured.

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